Saturday, April 30, 2016


Classes were small this week but we got some good training in anyway! Really glad the weather has started to warm up. Next week we will still have afternoon training during the holidays! Hope everyone can make it!

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Good training this week!! 3 more weeks until Dumau Kyushu! Time to pick up the pace and be ready to fight hard! I myself have a few kg. to lose! We should have a good amount of guys representing Kagoshima! Should be a fun tournament!

Really good practice Saturday night!  Everybody was training hard and feeling good!

Saturday, April 16, 2016


Another good week of training this week!! I missed a few days to spend some time with my dad before he left but we got some tough training in! Unfortunately because of the the big earthquake that hit Northern Kyushu Thursday night the Kyushu Open has been postponed. Everyone was training hard for it.

 Saturday night was a great class quite a few people showed up and we had really good training.

Everyone prepared well for the competition so lets keep it up and be ready for the next one!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Dads Seminar

Thanks everyone who came to my dads seminar! Had a good time and learned a few good tricks myself!

Learned a few of my dads favorite passes and submissions! Some good details on control using the lapel and also details on my dads favorite ankle locks!


A week of fun and tough training this week! My dad has been coming to training all week too! Always offering up some good tips and sneaky submissions!

Afternoon sessions were tough as usual everyone is working hard on improving and I have been seeing a good amount of progress in everyones skill!

A lot of guys will be heading up to Kumamoto at the end of the month for the JBJJF Kyushu Open. I'm sure Kagoshima will represent well!

Friday, April 1, 2016


Great to be back to training after a week off traveling with my family. Some bigger classes this week and lots of good energy. Next week during the Saturday class my dad will be having a mini-seminar showing a few of his favorite techniques so please attend if you can! Price for the seminar is 円500.

Started focusing a little more on guard drilling this week too!